Behavioral Health Integration
Treating the whole patient
MISSION: The Behavioral Health Integration Initiative (BHI) will support primary care practitioners seeking to incorporate behavioral health best practices in the evaluation and treatment of patients.
VISION: All primary care practices will use best practices to identify and treat behavioral health conditions including depression, chronic pain and substance use, and will use psychotropic medications in a safe and effective manner.
- Assist primary care providers in the use of best practice toolkits for behavioral health conditions including depression, chronic pain, and substance use
- Collaborate with LME/MCOs and behavioral health providers to optimize care of patients with concurrent medical and behavioral health conditions
- Increase safety monitoring of off-label prescribing of antipsychotic medication for children
- Reduce off-label prescribing of antipsychotic medication for anxiety, sleep and as mono-therapy for depression in the adult population
- Educate network pharmacists and care managers regarding best practices for behavioral health diagnoses, treatment, and follow-up
Projects that are currently under the Behavioral Health Integration Initiative include: Integrated Care/Co-location, A+Kids, Project Lazarus/Chronic Pain Initiative, SBIRT, ASAP, NC ACCEPT, Motivational Interviewing, and the Depression Toolkit for Primary Care.
For more information contact: Laura Davis, Behavioral Health Program Coordinator | [336] 686-3109